Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Society and Individuals

What is the relationship between the society and individuals? Traditionally, people would like to answer that the society is consistuted by individuals. But, what is inside the relationship? What benefits the society and individuals? We are relevant to each other as a part of the society. However, the relationship is more than this. The society influences us by the culture, and we build our credits to get more resources in the society. Even though most of the individuals participate in activies in the society, the socirty hurts us somehow. It is kind of like a balance, and yet not a balance. We do good to the society, and the society might pays us back. We do bad to the society, and the society also pays us back!


Two years ago, I read a book of human resource management. In the book, the relationship between labor and administration was introduced briefly. Labor was considered as an element of administration. The person who is in charge of labors in the company is the HR. HR always balance the pros and cons of hiring. HR is the first person we meet when we enter a company as an employee, and also the last one we meet who gives us the final decision to fire us. HR evaluates our ability and asks us to sign in contracts if it is necessary. The book gave me a new view of labor and administation. Although I am not a fan of business, unlike most Chinese students, I have to say that the book helped me in my career.

Persuasive letter

Dear New Student:

I wish to welcome you  to campus. I except you have given a lot of thought to the credit courses you are going to take, but perheps you are still unsure whether to participate in sports, student government , or a voluteer organization. To assist you in making these important decisions, let me tell you more about this organization which has helped me in many truly relevant ways since my first day on campus three days ago. Our club is about wine, kinds of wine. After consuming all of our enegy on the study, we all feel exhaustied. A cup of wine can just shrug our bad feelings off. We focus on not only the wine, but also the cuture behind it. Wine can stand for cultures. In the chapter between schools and the society, learning something useful means a lot. When you are tied of academic things, take a cup of wine, taste it, and guess what its story is. Which region were the grapes from, who palnted these fruits, who picked the best grape to make the wine, where was the wine stored, and how long was the trip from the farm to the store? The investment of the story involves knowledge of geography, economic, aigraculture and even religion. If you are intersted in out club, sign up in our office before Friday and our first meeting will be held in the office in the morning of Friday.

Looking forward to talking with you!

Monday, May 18, 2015

Sin on the lips

If I profane with my unworthiest hand
This holy shrine, the gentle fine is this:
My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand
To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss.

Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much,
Which mannerly devotion shows in this;
For saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch,
And palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss.

Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too?

Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer.

O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do;
They pray, grant thou, lest faith turn to despair.

Saints do not move, though grant for prayers' sake.

Then move not, while my prayer's effect I take.
Thus from my lips, by yours, my sin is purged.

Then have my lips the sin that they have took.

Sin from thy lips? O trespass sweetly urged!
Give me my sin again.

You kiss by the book.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

1st Driving Test

In last November, I took the first driving test in my life. I was so nervous and stressed. I never learned how to drive in China. And in America, I only took a one-month driving course. My coach told me that there was a 50 percent chance I could pass based on my driving skills. Anyway, I had taken the two-hour buses to be an unpaid intern in Flushing every other day. I was so tired of it! Once I passed the test and got a Driver's License, I could buy a car and save 90 minutes on the road. In the morning of the big day, my hands started to sweating, my feet were cold and even my period came unexpected. My coach talked with me and kept telling jokes to help me relieve. It helped actually. However, the supervisor was strict, barely smiled and respond coldly. Even though my coach drove me to the sector of the driving test and asked me to know better about the environment the night before the text, I did not achieve. The supervisor said my driving skills could not meet the requirement of safety. Well, it was the truth. But, on the other side, I spent one more month with my coach who was my only friend at that time, and I passed the text after that! I felt less stressed with more practice and better skills. So there was a high percent chance that it was my awareness of my bad driving skills that made the anxiety!

Thursday, April 30, 2015

A day without BFs!

How can I live a life like this! Since I am in semi intensive program, and I am not allowed to do research, I am seperated from my BFs this session. LTC class is the only chance for me to meet my buddies. I should and am going to cherish this period between 11am to 12pm. But now?! I am typing and editing this blog alone in LTC room. Where are my boyfriend, fiance, and others who I do not care that much? They are in the LIBRARY! Right, right, right! Researching is important! Analyzing ecomonic data, figuring out how formulas work, and inferring the next concept of stock are all going to be used in their business career! How can I be compared with Money! After all, it is the money who feeds them, not me.