Thursday, April 30, 2015

A day without BFs!

How can I live a life like this! Since I am in semi intensive program, and I am not allowed to do research, I am seperated from my BFs this session. LTC class is the only chance for me to meet my buddies. I should and am going to cherish this period between 11am to 12pm. But now?! I am typing and editing this blog alone in LTC room. Where are my boyfriend, fiance, and others who I do not care that much? They are in the LIBRARY! Right, right, right! Researching is important! Analyzing ecomonic data, figuring out how formulas work, and inferring the next concept of stock are all going to be used in their business career! How can I be compared with Money! After all, it is the money who feeds them, not me.

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