Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Persuasive letter

Dear New Student:

I wish to welcome you  to campus. I except you have given a lot of thought to the credit courses you are going to take, but perheps you are still unsure whether to participate in sports, student government , or a voluteer organization. To assist you in making these important decisions, let me tell you more about this organization which has helped me in many truly relevant ways since my first day on campus three days ago. Our club is about wine, kinds of wine. After consuming all of our enegy on the study, we all feel exhaustied. A cup of wine can just shrug our bad feelings off. We focus on not only the wine, but also the cuture behind it. Wine can stand for cultures. In the chapter between schools and the society, learning something useful means a lot. When you are tied of academic things, take a cup of wine, taste it, and guess what its story is. Which region were the grapes from, who palnted these fruits, who picked the best grape to make the wine, where was the wine stored, and how long was the trip from the farm to the store? The investment of the story involves knowledge of geography, economic, aigraculture and even religion. If you are intersted in out club, sign up in our office before Friday and our first meeting will be held in the office in the morning of Friday.

Looking forward to talking with you!

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